Archive for 2011

DC Entertainment is the largest and most diverse English language publisher of comic books in the world. Founded in1934, the company that would one day become DC Entertainment was actually born as National Allied Publications. It virtually created the comic book, publishing the first comic of all original material. Then, in the spring of 1938, the first super hero story appeared in ActionComics #1, introducing Superman. Other soon-to-be icons would follow, including Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash and many others. Today, DC Entertainment publishes more than 80 titles a month and close to 1000 issues a year. Since DC brands and trademarks directly stem from fictional characters they naturally acquired some of their characteristics that are soappealing to the targeted audience of each character and manage to display them in a wide range of official merchandise positioning itself as part of a specific fictional universe. In this context, it seems obvious that Batman qualifies as a personality brand.

Over the past decades, a considerable amount of attention has been given in consumer behavio r research to the construct of “brand personality” which is formally defined as “the set of human characteristics associated with a brand”. In her article “Dimensions of brand personality” (Journal Marketing Research, August 1997), Jennifer Lynn Aaker shows that researchers have focused on how the personality of a brand enables a consumer to express his or her own self (Belk, 1988), an ideal self (Malhotra, 1988), or specific dimensions of the self (Kleine, Kleine, and Kernan, 1993) through the use of a brand. Practitioners view it as a key way to differentiate a brand in a product category (Halliday, 1996), as a centraldriver of consumer preference and usage (Biel, 1993), and as a common denominator that can be used to market a brand across cultures (Plummer, 1985).
At this point you are most likely wondering what on earth the link between the two first paragraphs might be.Well here we go. Using Jennifer L. Aaker’s work about brand personality, one can identify Batman as an effective personality brand that relies on excitement because it is daring, spirited and it belongs to a whole – fictional – universe in consumers’ minds.
Aaker’s analysis provides us with a useful tool to assess Batman’s brand identity. Indeed, as a well-managed, personality-driven brand, Batman is branded and therefore positioned through a tri-dimensional strategy:
- Communication (to make the brand recognizable and visible),
- Competitive Advantage (to make the brand unique),
- Relationship (to create emotional bonds between the brand and the consumers).

The three aforementioned dimensions are present in all Batman products and because they are consistent with the values of the brand Batman (see article “An Overview Of Batman’s Values”), they make it possible to build equity at different hierarchy levels: company brand level, family brand level and individual brand level.
In other words, to try and make it simple, Batman as a brand can be applied to a wide range of product categories simultaneously and still be consistent with its identity and its values. This ability is a “personal trait” of Batman Trademark. At the same time, each new movie can be marketed as an individual brand which makes it possible to customize the brand at the individual level as well as all its supporting marketing activities to meet the needs of a specific customer group. For instance, The Dark Knight uses a different logo, different gadgets and has a different style from the ones featured in previous Batman movies.

Batman has developed such a strong personality as a brand that consistency between brand values, products and marketing activities can no longer be a problem. The personal traits of Batman make him a likeable character and a likeable brand for a growing audience,thanks to a wise brand management through communication (presence of the logo on everything), competitive advantage (he is the only super hero who has no other power than his human intelligence and physical force, which allows the public to identify to him) and relationship (organization of events at comicon). Since Batman has such a key positioning via his brand identity, he is like no other character and his uniqueness attracts more customers who, otherwise, would be interested in another character if at all.

The American market is packed full of superheroes from the Marvel and DC universes that nobody had ever heard of in the rest of the world before they were turned into movies (Thor, Green Lantern, Green Hornet, I'm looking at you). Internationally though, the title of best liked superhero character would probably rest on the outcome of a battle between Spider-man, Superman and, of course, Batman. All three have spawned countless Comic Books, numerous films and video games, incredibly diverse consumer products, and millions of fans.

If competition can be controlled and limited between the Batman and the Superman Brand (both belong to the same company: DC Comics), the fight between Batman and Spider-man is only beginning. Both have become the flagship brands of their mother company and the very similarities between the two characters that embody them have resulted in very close positionnings. Indeed, Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker are both Orphans whose family members have been murdered by low-life thieves and have since vowed to rid their city of violence and crime. They abide by a very strict moral code but they are so driven by guilt and demons that they are not without a dark side.

Both have tremendous strengh, agility and the ability to move from skycrapers to skycrapers (Batman through gliding, Spider-man through his spider-webs), but their powers are limited compared to superheroes like Superman or Thor which makes them appear more human and therefore more accessible to fans and customers. The darker, more dangerous universe in which the latest Batman movies and video games are based, can make it seem as if the brand appeals to an older audience than Spider-Man, but its wide range of products means it can hit most age targets in the male demographics. 

This year, both brands are scheduled to fight it out with the releases of the latest installment of their critically acclaimed movie franchises, The Amazing Spider-Man and The Dark Knight Rises.

IT seems so obvious now. With the success DC Comics has enjoyed developing the Batman brand, it was only a matter of time before they settled on a single,  uniformized logo for all their products. Looking at the equation, one wonders why they did not think of it before.

Batman Arkham City - video game - was the last Batman products allowed the freedom to change the proportion, the aspect and even the color of the logo to this:
From now on, the official Batman logo will be a rounder, Yellow & Black version with an old school bend in an effort to go back to the roots of the brand and act as a reminder of Batman's original outfit:

Two million copies of Batman: Arkham City were sold in its first week on sale, according to publisher Warner Bros.

The LA Times reports that the publisher shipped 4.6 million copies to retailers. Arkham City tops the UK chart this week, after doubling predecessor Arkham Asylum's launch sales.

Source: LA Times

Barely a week after it hit the stores, Batman Arkham City has already shipped 5 million units World Wide and achieved a 97% rating on Metacritics to become the most sucessful superhero video game of all time. This critical and commercial success confirms, if need be, the incredible potential of the brand and contributes to the image of Batman as a provider of high quality products.

It is a particularly impressive feat as video games based on Comic Book characters have proven to be as numerous as they have been disappointing.

With its dark, haunted tones and targeting of the same 18-35 male audience, Batman Arkham City, also continues to build momentum for the brand ahead of the highly anticipated release of The Dark Knight Rises in theater in Summer 2012 by keeping the Bat-community engaged and excited!

With over 10 million fans on FB, Batman is one of the most beloved Comic book character of all time. It should come as no surprise that that very same popularity has translated into an incredibly strong attachment to the brand. Hard core fans, and there are literally million of them, buy Batman products, read Batman Comics, watch Batman movies, wear Batman branded clothes and even dress as Batman on special occasions like when they go grocery shopping.

Forming an emotional conection between the brand and the consumer is a common goal in marketing. Creating a character to facilitate that connection and represent the brand and its values has been a method of choice for brands like McDonald's with Ronald, or even the PC and Mac guys commercials. Batman takes it one step further: the character not only embodies the brand, it IS the brand. To maintain that connection, to feel like Batman, consumers are therefore ready to devote incredible amounts of money, energy and time.

Every year, sold-out Comic conventions held in San Diego, New York, Montréal and even Paris bring together millions of fans to get the latest news on upcoming movies and video games, meet Comic Book legends and indulge in Cosplay competitions. When a brand reaches that level, the accent is no longer on building Customer loyalty but rather on Community Management.

Batman is the perfect metaphor for a strong brand and strong marketing. He’s a culmination of so many important factors: a strong name, a strong logo, always has a finger on pulse of new technology, attentive to PR but not dedicated to it, etc.

More over, we can say there is a real Batman brand experience. Put simply, Batman’s cool, and he’s such by a perfect orchestration of intrinsic characteristics. Anything Batman puts his name on or uses is easily identified as being part of his brand.

He’s modern and edgy yet still leans to the conservative side. Anything he does is going to be strategic and smart. He’s effective and efficient in all of his efforts. He always utilizes the sleekest, most current technologies. All of these things build to create the perception of what we know as Batman.

Your brand is no different. You have a logo, tagline and website – great. But what kind of promotions do you have running? Do they line up with your brand platform? What about your ads? Do they have the same look and feel as other marketing pieces? It’s this idea of consistency and cohesion that makes for a strong and memorable brand – hence a classic “brand” like Batman.


Here is a cute video about the evolution of our great Batman!

Batman Universe - Comics

The product that runs the engine of Batman's Universe.
 #1 Focusing on the main Products of Batman universe

Batman's comic covers

The most remarkable products of DC Comics - Batman universe, are comics, novels, movies and video games. There are also more products merchandised by DC Comics like, clothing, accessories, collectibles, jewelries and others.
But at this point we would like to focus most on the main products of Batman's universe.
To start we will present you the “main” product of Batman that runs the engine of his universe

Product overview - Batman Comics

Lets start with little history. The word “Comic” is from the greek word “κωμικός” (komikos) that means comedian, someone that pertaining to comedy. “Κωμικός” derives from the word “κώμο” (komo) which was a group of youths who were rollicking in Dionysian festivals in ancient times.
So how a piece of paper with illustrated images end it up with the word Comic?
-The comics are printed a sequence of cartoons that unite to tell a story.
Around 1900, the strips of pictures being printed in magazines and newspapers were all funny. At first newspaper comic strips were called "the funnies". The term "comics" came into common use in the United States and later the term became more popular. As Will Eisner(American comic writer) said “Comics are the arrangement of pictures or images and words to narrate a story or dramatize an idea”

A new hero was drawn...
All started with ink and a piece of paper, with a combination of words and pictures Bob Kane conceived “the Bat-Man” in the Detective Comics #27 in May 1939, garnering great popularity.
The debut of self-title comic book was in the March of 1940 which was decided by National Allied Publications that it was worthy of, and could support, his own self-title series, like “Superman” title.

Now that we have summarize little bit of history, lets focus more in the product(comic) details, specifically on the readers perspective.

Batman comics
Batman comics in compare of movies and novels, but not the video games, asks for much more interaction like every other comic. When you are reading a comic book you have to participate in the creation of sound, movement, width, depth and time, the experiences of the character on the page is shared with the you, the reader. The one variable depends on the other for the overall product satisfaction.
Batman comic book is a combination of a strip of illustrations and text, that narrate the mysterious story of the dark detective.It is a mature content comic book with a vengeful hero, not hesitant to kill when he saw it as a necessary sacrifice, so it is right to assume that the Batman's comic targeting purpose, is dedicated mature comic readers.

Batman comic book, is a product that you can find in local comic,magazine or book stores, and of course on the internet. The price varies from store to store, usually in stores you will find only brand new comics, on the internet you can find many online stores for buying new issues but are also able to find second handed comic issues, that is very useful if you like to have an older version-maybe for collectable purpose of the comic you are interested in.
In 2010 the Batman issue #1 was sold in an auction to an unidentified buyer for $55,269 !
 So you can notice that Batman comics are generating two types of value, the entertainment as a commodity, and the investment in collectable form.

Batman comic as product have gone through many changes all those years. In the 2011 you can find it in fine quality paper and colorful pictures with official price of $2.99 instead the $55,269 that the oldest issue cost to the lucky? buyer. Also you can consider that If you are thinking of buying the latest one you are pretty much going to buy the first one, as DC Comics relaunched Batman issue#1 in September 2011, written by Scott Snyder and drawn by Greg Capullo.

Batman comics are the driving force of Batman universe.
The Batman comics made a great material, for adapting moves, novels and furthermore video games and other products.We will be back with further details on the Batman products in “Product” section of

Batman: Arkham Asylum interior pages

When looking at a comic book, most people see… a comic book. It’s made of paper; it’s worth a few bucks… Others, yet, may see a treasure, sometimes even a nearly priceless jewel, depending on the superhero featured and the year it was issued.

In February 2010, Heritage Auction Galleries announced that a rare copy of “Detective Comics #27” had been sold for 1.075 million dollars. The price of this comic book issued in 1939 went that high for the reason that it featured Batman’s first appearance ever and therefore unleashed the incredible appetite of collectors, comic books fans and other bat-maniacs who usually feed on more recent and more common issues and who are willing to spend their family-savings in order to become the owner of such a rare copy.

This made me wonder: how is this possible? And what is “Batman” worth today?

The first question being more directed to sociologists and comic books fans, I decided to focus on the second one.

In his book Strategic Brand Management, Kevin Lane Keller explains that the concept of “brand valuation” is very controversial. Indeed, there is no active market for brands like there are markets for stocks, commodities, real estate, etc. Very specialized knowledge of marketing , accounting and trademark law is required to assess the actual role of the brand on a balance sheet and it is fairly obvious that brand valuation is based on art as much as on science.

However, the company Interbrand uses a formula that provides you with an idea of how much your brand is worth, give or take, which is actually a useful tool, keeping in mind it is impossible to reduce the richness of a brand to a single, meaningful number.

This formula calculates the brand value as the Net Present Value of the forecast brand earnings, discounted by the brand discount rate.

Unfortunately enough, no information of this kind is made available to the public regarding Batman.

Nevertheless, one can safely assume Batman is worth more and more as each movie brings more income, derived products and media attention than the one before. In 1989, Tim Burton’s Batman movie reached 100 million dollars of profit in only ten days – a studio record – and went on to become the biggest hit and the most successful franchise in Warner’s history to that point. Less than 20 years after, Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight reached 314.2 million dollars in 10 days, new studio record again. This latest adaptation had also the title of biggest opening weekend at the box-office, until the last Harry Potter movie came out in 2011.

If we cannot determine how much Batman is worth, we can at least recognize its brand equity kept increasing with time and now has a stronger than ever symbolic meaning and value to customers, either old-school’s fans or new comers. The values of the brand are well-known by the general public, and because those values are embodied by the character himself they are easier to convey in all Batman products: comics, movies, cartoons, video games, and even clothing.

At last, for those of you readers who are disappointed not to have an actual number that estimates Batman’s net worth, I would like to point out that very serious Forbes Magazine releases every year its list of the wealthiest fictional characters. Net worth estimates are based on an analysis of the fictional character’s source material, and where possible, valued against known real-world commodity and share price movements. Bruce Wayne is ranked at the 8th position this year with over 7 billion dollars of net worth.

Hello Reader!

As you may have noticed, the purpose of this blog is to study and discuss the strategic management of Batman TradeMark, which is owned by DC comics, and broadly popularized by Warner Bros.

I am going to try and let you know more about Batman and its values from a branding perspective.
However, I have the hope you will share on this blog any kind of insight you may have on the topic as I would like, myself, to learn more about it. So feel free to comment any of my posts or any of my colleagues' posts.

To introduce our journey, I would like to reset the stage and state what is fairly obvious to some and maybe less to others: Batman's values.

Batman - I am referring to the character here - is a skilled detective and agile fighter, operating almost exclusively at night, with a number of gadgets or vehicles. He is an avenger who wants to protect Gotham's citizens from a tragedy like the one he endured as a child when his parents were murdered in front of him. The strong moral component of his character makes it impossible for him to kill another person. In the day-time, he is a well-known businessman and philantropist.

It is very important to understand this very complex character - one of the most complex in comics' history - because his values have a direct impact on brand management.
Indeed, it is interesting to notice that successive comic books, movies, tv shows, cartoons and video games, although using different approaches to the character and therefore different positioning strategies, remained consistent with these core values that are the importance of justice and morality, the mindset of a detective, a measured use of gadgets and violence.

In other words, Batman products such as movies - to take an example everyone knows - have been able to target very different consumers through the evolution of their different positioning strategies, while being consistent with Batman's values which basically represent the brand's DNA. Indeed, I am sure everyone can agree Christopher Nolan and Tim Burton had different positionings in their respective movies (although one could object such a gap is linked to the decade that went by between their works). One being based on fantastic imagery, the other much more down-to-earth (ergo accessible to a larger and older crowd).

Coca Cola and Apple are maybe the two greatest and most successful examples of consistency over time regarding values. Strategic Brand Management may not be going to reveal its deepest secrets to us but still, we can try and determine whether our favorite superhero deserves to be standing between the famous woman-shaped bottle and the half-eaten apple in the branding hall of fame.

It is in 39 that Bob Kane and Finger created the famous bat man for the Detective comics number 27. One year after superman's birth comes the dark knight, ready to become the protector of Gotham city.
What did Bruce Wayne bring on the table of superheroes back then? Well, Bruce is not a superheroe, he is actually a man who wears a black costume to scare criminals. His power: his mental. But wait a second, why did Bruce choose to become a bat?
As he was thinking of how to fight criminals, he saw a bat through his window and it reminded him of how scared of them he was when he used to be a child. A cape, a cowl, gloves, briefs and boots made the costume of one of the most famous upholder of the law. At first black with blue highlights, his costume then became all blue and gray. 
The firstname of our heroe, Bruce, comes from Robert I of Scottland and his lastname from Anthony Wayne in order to give him an air of colonialist origins. His look and personality are a mix between Zorro and Sherlock Holmes. 
There you go about Batman's birth reader, would you like to know about what happened after? Check out the 'history" section.

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